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Lazy Vegetarian Meal Ideas #25 Seitan doner kebab

Ever since I went to Germany and had my first ever vegan kebab, I’ve been looking everywhere for seitan. Seitan is a vegan meat substitute that is made out of gluten, and its meat-like texture makes it a perfect substitute for the meat normally found in kebabs. It’s unfortunately not that popular in the U.K, and although you can order it online the only shop I’ve actually found it in is Wholefoods.


Wholefoods isn’t exactly cheap (my jar of seitan cost £3.95), but considering the cost of a vegan kebab in one of the few places that actually sells them (i.e Brighton) is around £6-7, and this way you can make them exactly how you like them. I really don’t like raw onions. so this recipe avoids them, but as always please amend the ingredients to suit your own taste. This is a really simple dish to make and requires basically no time or effort, but it’s also incredibly filling and delicious and it’s vegan!

What you need: Wraps or pita bread, green cabbage, lettuce, about half a jar of ready-marinated seitan, Nando’s lemon sauce (or if you’re less lazy than I am you could make your own), olive oil, a bit of chopped garlic.

Spices: Salt, pepper, chilli powder, chilli flakes.

1: Heat the olive oil with the chilli powder and garlic until it becomes fragrant (about 2-3 minutes on a medium heat)


2: Add the seitan, salt, pepper and a few chilli flakes and cook on a medium heat for a few more minutes.


3: Add the cabbage and stir fry on a medium heat for a few more minutes.


4: Heat up the wraps/pita bread according to package instructions, and chop some lettuce.


5: Turn off the heat, add the seitan, cabbage, lettuce and sauce to the wraps/pita and enjoy!

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